Web Design | 2022

PAX is a pioneer in the cannabis industry. Their products have set the standard for cannabis devices with an innovative marriage of form and function.

My Role
Web Design
Visual Design
Motion Graphics
User Experience
Doug Hughmanick
Youngmi Kwon
Brandon Boswell


The original PAX website contained a challenging navigation structure and was struggling to showcase the product in an engaging way. My team at ANML was tasked with creating a new website design that would infuse more aesthetics of the brand, relate to their audience, and create an experience that matches the quality of their offerings.

Showing PAX at its Best

Our objective was to showcase features visually vs talk about them. From the site architecture, navigation, and mobile-first page designs; we emphasized with the unique differences between each PAX device. We highlighted specific feature sections that demonstrated how the product functioned in the hands of a user.

Adaptive Product Pages

Infusing design aesthetics seen in the packaging, we established a cohesive design language that supported the variation of product personalities. Product pages can utilize unique backgrounds and design elements.

Design System

I created a library of components to maintain a cohesive visual style across each webpage design. Accommodating typography, cards, and buttons for use across desktop and mobile display sizes.


We developed a navigation that clearly calls out the differences in product lines, gives visual cues, and makes the site easier to navigate overall.

Pushing business forward

While the cannabis industry was foreign to me at first, I remained open to empathize with all the context regarding PAX’s business initiatives to improve their mobile conversions. I learned that even the most unique industries can benefit from intentional design thinking.

After launching their website redesign, over 1,500 new mobile visitors began engaging during the first month. Pax plus sales increased by 8% as a result of dynamic product page designs paired with an easy checkout flow.

It was exciting to utilize a variety of well crafted brand assets to produce a simple and intuitive web experience for PAX.